& Rubrics

The Art of Information Writing

BEND I ♦ Organizing Information

Session 1 – Teaching Others as a Way to Prime the Pump
Chart: Teaching Moves that Information Writers Should Borrow

Session 2 – The Power of Organizing and Reorganizing
Paper Choice: Table of Contents Page
Chart: Strong Tables of Contents

Session 5 – Organization Matters in Texts Large and Small
Information Writing Checklist, Grades 3 and 4
Chart: Organizing an Informational Text
Chart: Strong Tables of Contents

BEND II ♦ Reaching to Write Well

Session 7 – Making Connections Within and Across Chapters
Information Writing Checklist, Grades 3 and 4

BEND III ♦ Moving Toward Publication, Moving Toward Readers

Session 12 – Taking Stock and Setting Goals
Information Writing Checklist, Grades 3 and 4

Session 14 – Using Text Features Makes It Easier for Readers to Learn
Chart: Some Common Text Features and Their Purposes

Session 16 – Punctuating with Paragraphs
FIG. 16–3 Prachee's published piece, "Migrating Monarchs"

BEND IV ♦ Transferring Learning from Long Projects to Short Ones

Session 17 – Plan Content-Area Writing, Drawing on Knowledge from Across the Unit
Chart: Strong Tables of Contents

Session 18 – Revising from Self-Assessments
Chart: Strong Tables of Contents

Session 20 – Bringing All You Know to Every Project
Information Writing Checklist, Grades 3 and 4

Session 21 – A Final Celebration: Using Knowledge about Nonfiction Writing to Teach Younger Students
FIG. 21–1 Kayla's final expert piece
FIG. 21–2 Anisa's final expert piece
FIG. 21–3 Frank's final expert piece
FIG. 21–4 Max's final expert piece
FIG. 21–5 Alessandra's final expert piece

Additional Resources

Additional Student Work
Alessandra's on-demand piece
Frank's on-demand piece
Logan's on-demand piece
Max's on-demand piece