& Rubrics

Changing the World: Persuasive Speeches, Petitions, and Editorials

BEND I ♦ Launching Work on Persuasive Speeches

Session 3 – Drawing on a Repertoire of Strategies for Generating Opinion Writing: Writing with Independence
Opinion Writing Checklist, Grades 3 and 4

Session 4 – Considering Audience to Say More
Chart: Ways to Directly Address Your Audience
Chart: We Can Collect Persuasive Writing Entries By…

Session 6 – Taking Stock and Setting Goals
Chart: Writing with Our Goals in Mind
Opinion Writing Checklist, Grades 3 and 4

BEND II ♦ Raising the Level of Persuasive Writing

Session 8 – Organizing and Categorizing
Chart: We Can Nurture Persuasive Writing by Making Categories

Session 9 – For Example: Proving by Showing
Chart: We Can Say More to Convince by Adding In Each Part

Session 12 – Choosing Words that Sound Right and Evoke Emotion
Link to YouTube video: Severn Suzuki's Speech to the UN
Link to YouTube video: "Change Your Words, Change Your World"
Chart: Ways We Can Make Our Speeches More Powerful

Session 13 – Looking Back and Looking Forward: Assessing and Preparing for Mini-Publication
FIG. 13–2 Frank's final speech
FIG. 13–3 Kayla's final speech
FIG. 13–4 Emma's final speech
Video: Students' published speeches

BEND III ♦ From Persuasive Speeches to Petitions, Editorials, and Persuasive Letters

Session 14 – Inquiry into Petitions
Link to Sample Petition: "Tell LEGO to Stop Selling Out Girls!"
Sample Persuasive Letter: "Dear Mrs. Rhodes"
Chart: Techniques All Opinion Writers Use

Session 15 – Becoming Your Own Job Captain
Chart: Work Plan for Opinion Writing

Session 17 – Revising Your Introductions and Conclusions to Get Your
Audience to Care

Chart: Ways Opinion Writers Hook Their Readers
Chart: We Can Write Introductions and Conclusions By…

Session 18 – Taking Stock Again: Goal Setting with More Independence
Opinion Writing Checklist, Grades 3 and 4
FIG. 18–1 Emma's notes for revision
FIG. 18–2 AJ's piece
FIG. 18–3 Ning's piece

BEND IV ♦ Cause Groups

Session 19 – Tackling a Cause
Template: Our Cause Group Design Plan

Session 20 – Becoming Informed about a Cause
Helpful Research Links for Students
FIG. 20–6 Sahar's web on bat houses
FIG. 20–7 Ning's web on burrowing owls

Session 23 – Celebrating Activism
FIG. 23–1 Emily's final piece
FIG. 23–2 William's final piece
FIG. 23–3 Ning's final piece
FIG. 23–4 Kelvin's final piece
FIG. 23–5 Sahar's first final piece
FIG. 23–6 Sahar's second final piece

Additional Student Work

AJ's final speech, "We Should Save the Environment"
Zoe's writing
Ning's speech
Emma's final piece
Max's piece
Emily's piece