& Rubrics

The Arc of Story: Writing Realistic Fiction

Bend I ♦ Creating and Developing Stories and Characters
that Feel Real

Session 1 – Imagining Stories from Ordinary Moments
Narrative Writing Checklist, Grade 3

Session 2 – Imagining Stories We Wish Existed in the World
The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Norwegian version)

Session 3 – Developing Believable Characters
Homework: Fleshing Out Secondary Characters

Session 5 – Plotting with a Story Arc
FIG. 5–1 Caleb's story arc
FIG. 5–2 Caleb has added a second character into his lead
FIG. 5–3 Felix's timeline

Bend II ♦ Drafting and Revising with an Eye toward Believability

Session 6 – Show, Don't Tell: Planning and Writing Scenes
The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Norwegian version)
Homework: Reading the Work of Other Authors for Inspiration

Session 7 – Feeling and Drafting the Heart of Your Story
Narrative Writing Checklist, Grades 4 and 5

Session 9 – Orienting Readers with Setting
Homework: Noticing Setting on Television

Bend III ♦ Preparing for Publication with an Audience in Mind

Session 12 – Making a Space for Writing
Narrative Writing Checklist, Grades 4 and 5

Session 13 – Using Mentor Texts to Flesh Out Characters
Homework: Naming Our Stories

Session 15 – Publishing Anthologies: A Celebration
FIG. 15–1 Hannah's final story: Mirror Magic
FIG. 15–2 Hannah's final story: Jane's First Sleep Over

Bend IV ♦ Embarking on Independent Fiction Projects

Session 17 – Planning and Drafting Stories with Agency
Homework: Making Our Own Homework Assignments

Session 19 – Focusing the Reader's Gaze
Narrative Writing Checklist, Grades 4 and 5

Session 20 – Choosing Punctuation for Effect
Homework: Studying a Mentor Text for Punctuation

Session 21 – Surveying Your Work and Planning for the Future
Narrative Writing Checklist, Grades 4 and 5
FIG. 21–1 Beccah's final story
FIG. 21–2 Caleb's final story