& Rubrics

Bringing History to Life

Bend I ♦ Informational Books: Making a Conglomerate of Forms

Session 1 – Getting the Sense of Informational Books
Teacher Demonstration Writing: Session 1 Mid-Workshop Teaching
Chart: The Revolutionary War: Possible Topics
Research Resources
FIG. 1–1 Naomi's Text on the Battles of Lexington and Concord
Homework: Rereading and Note-Taking in Preparation for Writing an All-About Chapter

Session 2 – Planning the Structure of Writing
Homework: Writing Your Informational Book, Bird by Bird

Session 3 – Planning and Writing with Greater Independence
Homework: The To-Do List: A Writing Scavenger Hunt

Session 4 – Teaching as a Way to Rehearse for Information Writing
Information Writing Checklist, Grades 4 and 5
Homework: 30 Minutes - Just WRITE!!

Session 5 – Elaboration: The Details that Let People Picture What Happened Long Ago and Far Away
Homework: Brainstorming Narrative Stories for Your Informational Book

Session 6 – Bringing Information Alive: Stories Inside Nonfiction Texts
Chart: Planning a Micro-Story that Will Be Embedded in Research
Homework: Researching to Find Historical Details to Include in Your Narrative Chapter

Session 7 – Essays within Information Texts
Teacher Demonstration Writing: Session 7, Active Engagement
FIG. 1–1 Naomi's Text on the Battles of Lexington and Concord
Homework: Finishing Up and Brainstorming Possible Topics for New Research Projects

Session 8 – Taking Stock and Setting Goals: A Letter to Teachers
Information Writing Checklist, Grades 4 and 5
FIG. 8–1 Gracie's self-reflection
FIG. 8–2 Gracie's published book
FIG. 8–3 Lucie's published book

Bend II ♦ Writing with Greater Independence

Session 9 – Writers Plan for Their Research
Homework: Rally Writers to Collect, Share, and Compile Resources, Including Videotapes

Session 10 – The Intense Mind-Work of Note-Taking
Homework: Teaching Others to Prepare for Writing

Session 11 – Drafting Is Like Tobogganing: First the Preparation, the Positioning...Then the Whooosh!
Information Writing Checklist, Grades 4 and 5
Teacher Demonstration Writing: Session 11, Share

Session 12 – Developing a Logical Structure Using Introductions and Transitions
Chart: Ways to Begin a Chapter in an Informational Book
Chart: Ways to Conclude a Chapter in an Informational Book
Teacher Demonstration Writing: Session 12, Conferring
Teacher Demonstration Writing: Session 12, Share
Homework: Writing an Introduction that Hooks Readers

Session 13 – Text Features: Popping Out the Important Information
Teacher Demonstration Writing: Session 13, Minilesson (typeset)
Teacher Demonstration Writing: Session 13, Minilesson (handwritten)
FIG. 13–2 Milo's sketch and labels
FIG. 13–3 Grayson's word section
FIG. 13–4 Edward's sketch
Homework: Deadlines Can Be Lifelines, Making Writers Spring into Action

Session 14 – Quotations Accentuate Importance: Voices Chime In to Make a Point
Chart: Ways to Highlight Central Ideas and Key Information in Your Informational Writing
Homework: Giving Credit to the Quote Source by Using Connecting Phrases

Session 15 – Using All We Know to Craft Essay and Narrative Sections
Information Writing Checklist, Grades 4 and 5
Teacher Demonstration Writing: Session 15, Minilesson

Session 16 – The Other Side of the Story
Homework: Reading to Assess and Revise

Session 17 – Self-Assessment and Goal Setting: Taking on New Challenges
Information Writing Checklist, Grades 4 and 5

Bend III ♦ Building Ideas in Information Writing

Session 18 – Information Writing Gives Way to Idea Writing
Teacher Demonstration Writing: Session 18, Conferring
Homework: Grand Conversations on the Page

Session 19 – Digging Deeper: Interpreting the Life Lessons that History Teaches
Homework: Continue Work Growing Ideas in Notebooks

Session 20 – Using Confusions to Guide Research
Homework: Rereading Your Draft to Come Up with Researchable Questions

Session 21 – Questions without a Ready Answer
Teacher Demonstration Writing: Session 21, Conferring
Homework: Finishing Drafts and Making a Source List

Session 23 – A Final Celebration: An Expert Fair
FIG. 23–1 Melissa's book
FIG. 23–2 Edward's book
FIG. 23–3 Jude's book
FIG. 23–4 Natasha's book
FIG. 23–5 Grayson's book