& Rubrics

The Research-Based Argument Essay

Starter Resource Set: Chocolate Milk
Article: "Nutrition in Disguise: What the Midwest Dairy Council Has to Say
About Chocolate Milk"

Link to Video: Flavored Milk: Tasty Nutrition (Midwest Dairy Council)
Article: "Chocolate Milk: More Harmful than Healthful"
Link to Video: Sugar Overload
Article: "Sugary Drinks Can Be Unhealthy, But is Cow's Milk Unhealthy, Too?"

Text Set Bibliographies
Chocolate Milk (with additional sources)
Competitive Sports in Schools
Green Energy
Bottled Water

BEND I ♦ Establishing and Supporting Positions

Session 1 – Investigating to Understand an Argument
Clair's Notes: Using Post-its to Sort Information on a T-Chart
Chocolate Milk Text Set (with video links and additional sources)
Homework: Entertaining Contrary Views: Suspend Closure, and Be Open-Minded

Session 2 – Flash-Drafting Arguments
Chart: Body Paragraphs Often Go Like This
Homework: Planning for Next Steps in Writing

Session 3 – Using Evidence to Build Arguments
FIG. 3–1 Jack's letter
Opinion Writing Checklist, Grades 5 and 6
FIG. 3–5 Cecilia's essay demonstrating sixth-grade standards
Homework: Practicing Identifying What It Looks Like when Writing Meets Specific Goals

Session 4 – Using Quotations to Bolster an Argument
Homework: Introducing Information and Naming Sources

Session 5 – Redrafting to Add More Evidence
FIG. 5–3 Clair's second letter

Session 6 – Balancing Evidence with Analysis
Chart: The Secret to the Perfect Layer Cake (Like the Perfect Essay) is Balance
Chart: How to Write an Argument
Homework: Use Quotations Sparingly

Session 7 – Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Opinion Writing Checklist, Grades 5 and 6
Link to Book: Emily Post on Etiquette
FIG. 7–1 Kennedy's final letter

BEND II ♦ Building Powerful Arguments

Session 8 – Taking Arguments Up a Notch
Nick's Notes: Organizing with Folders and Index Cards
Chart: Systems Argument Writers Use to Collect Research and Develop Thinking
Homework: Time and Intensity Matter

Session 9 – Bringing a Critical Perspective to Writing
Article: "Chocolate Milk: More Harmful than Healthful"
Homework: Writers Prepare Their Notes so that They Can Efficiently Begin Drafting

Session 10 – Rehearsing the Whole, Refining a Part
Homework: Writing a Powerful Introduction

Session 11 – Rebuttals, Responses, and Counterclaims
Chart: Phrases to Use to Acknowledge and Rebut Counterclaims
Homework: Thinking About and Rebutting Counterclaims

Session 12 – Evaluating Evidence
Link to Video: A House of Cards Collapsing
Chart: Common Flaws in Reasoning
Homework: Staying Alert when Reasoning Seems to Be Common Sense

Session 13 – Appealing to the Audience
Homework: Following Through on Plans

Session 14 – A Mini-Celebration: Panel Presentations, Reflection, and Goal-Setting
Opinion Writing Checklist, Grades 5 and 6
FIG. 14–1 Nicole's position paper in favor of banning chocolate milk from schools
FIG. 14–2 Xavier's position paper in favor of chocolate milk in schools

BEND III ♦ Writing for Real-Life Purposes and Audiences

Session 16 – Taking Opportunities to Stand and Be Counted
Homework: Remember to Include Specifics and Rebuttals

Session 17 – Everyday Research
Homework: Continue Collecting Information!

Session 18 – Taking Stock and Setting Writing Tasks
Opinion Writing Checklist, Grade 6

Session 19 – Using All You Know from Other Types of Writing to Make Your Arguments More Powerful
FIG. 19–1 Cecilia's essay demonstrating sixth-grade standards

Session 20 – Evaluating the Validity of Your Argument
Chart: To Increase the Validity of an Argument, Writers Alter Their Language
Homework: Altering Language and Adding Detail

Session 21 – Paragraphing Choices
Editing Checklist
Homework: Preparing for Publication

Session 22 – Celebration: Taking Positions, Developing Stances
Link to Video: Movie Scenes from The Great Debaters
FIG. 22–1 Nate's essay against track tryouts
FIG. 22–2 Caroline's essay against pit bulls as pets
FIG. 22–3 Alessandra's essay in defense of pit bulls

Additional Student Work

Nicole's essay in favor of gun control